Raymond "Ray" Kurzweil is an American author,
scientist, inventor, and futurist who has said that by 2029 computers will have
consciousness. Bill Gates has called Kurzweil the best predictor of the future,
and it’s also been said that he has predicted the future with more accuracy
than anyone else in history. A documentary called Transcendent Man: Prepare to Evolve came out in 2010 that shares
the life and ideas of Ray Kurzweil.
A new movie called Transcendence,
starring Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman and Rebecca Hall has brought Ray’s idea to
the Hollywood screen. The main character is Dr. Will Caster (Depp) a leading
scientist and researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Like Ray, his
life’s work has been centered on the idea of mastering the singularity, or as
he calls it ‘transcendence’. We are
introduced to PINN (Physically Independent Neural Network) who can identify
someone who walks into the room and when asked ‘can you prove you are self-aware?’
counters with ‘can you prove you are self-aware?’ I tried asking SIRI
that question and got ‘no comment’ and ‘I don’t really like these arbitrary
questions’. Both PINN and SIRI dodged the question, although PINN’s answer was
a bit more probing. While SIRI said she didn’t ‘like’ my question, she does not
really experience emotions or even preferences.
While creating an AI that exhibits emotions is the task Will
set out to accomplish, I don’t believe he was successful. What he was
successful at, with the help of his partner in life Evelyn (Rebecca Hall), was uploading
his consciousness into PINN as his body was dying. While it certainly looked
and sounded like the Will Caster we had briefly viewed at the beginning of the
film, this cyber Will seemed devoid of all emotions.
Once Will is connected to the Internet there is no stopping
his power. While some of what he begins doing, like healing and restoring the
sick and disabled, seems philanthropic, it begs the question: just because the power is available should
it be used at all cost? Would you be happy you’d been healed if it changed
who you were fundamentally without your choice or knowledge?
Throughout this film I couldn’t help but think of Ray
Kurzweil and his desire to recreate his father who died when he was a young
man. Is Ray correct in saying that computers will have consciousness in my lifetime?
It certainly seems possible, but I think we have a ways to go before we can
make sure that this new evolutionary ‘being’ also has a conscience, a value
system and a soul.