Today I am listening to Wayne Dyer’s live lecture recorded from his “I Can Do It” conference in Las Vegas. I have heard him speak many times before, and I have used his material time and again in my sermons, but for some reason I am mesmerized this time. Perhaps it is because my soul is hungry. I have missed being in ministry where I am immersed in these principles and constantly called to live them and push past the edges of my boundaries.
Wayne reminds me that we do not manifest what we desire; we manifest what we are. That is such a powerful thought it deserves repeating: we do not manifest what we desire; we manifest what we are.
If we are not manifesting what we want in life, then what needs to change is not something in the outer, but something inside of us. If we change our mind, we change our experience—we change our world. Of course, I already knew this, yet it never hurts to be reminded now and then, and Wayne does such a great job of explaining it so simply.
Wayne has written a new book called, Excuses Begone. I can’t wait to read it! He talks about another book The Biology of Belief, written by Bruce Lipton (another book I want to read) in which Lipton tells us that our DNA does not control our biology; rather our DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including messages emanating from our thoughts. So, no longer do we even have the excuse that our genes, or our biology, or our body controls us. Well of course, none of this is new. Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity taught these principles 100 years ago. Yet it’s so great that these ideas are now wide spread and even showing up in our scientific community.
We do not manifest what we desire; we manifest what we are. So what are we? What am I? What am I choosing to be in every moment? Every moment is a choice. In one moment I might be choosing to be great, and in the next moment I might be slipping into smallness. If you want to know which you are being in any moment, look at what is manifesting in your outer world. If you don’t like what you are seeing—choose again. Isn’t it great that we can make a new choice in each and every moment! You don’t have to wait for a new year…you can change the thoughts and beliefs and feelings you are holding right now in this moment.
Wayne says, “In every moment you have this choice: you can be a host to God, or a hostage to the ego…your choice.”
As for me, I’m going to find more and more ways to be a host for God. I realize that I don’t have to wait for a church to manifest for me to be in ministry….I am in ministry right here, right now.
For more on Wayne Dyer click here: http://www.drwaynedyer.com/enews/signup_thanks.php
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