I just got back from a trip to Florida where I got to put my feet in the ocean. It had been a long time since I’d done that, and it felt truly wonderful!
I was raised in California and I have a strong affinity for the ocean. What is it about the ocean that is so mesmerizing? Not everyone feels the pull of the sea. My late husband Bill didn’t feel it. We went to Hawaii once, and I could have sat on the beach starring out at the ocean for hours, but after a few minutes he was bored and ready to leave. Maybe it’s because I’m a Scorpio, a water sign. He was an Aquarius, which sounds like it should be a water sign, but isn’t—it’s an air sign. Mountains were what spoke to his soul.
I think I find the ocean so enthralling, because it feels so much like eternity. One looks out and sees nothing but water everywhere; there is no end in sight. Eternity is our symbol of God, so to me the ocean feels like a way to connect with the energy of God. God is the ocean and I am the wave—the expression of God. We need each other. Without the wave, the ocean is an inert body of water with no expression; without the power of the ocean there can be no wave.
Maybe it’s because I’m a Four on the Enneagram, and Fours are so comfortable with longing. There is a sense of longing with the ocean: longing for connection, longing to immerse oneself with something larger, longing for expansion, and a longing to connect with eternity.
Perhaps it is because our bodies are mostly water and something within us is drawn to such a vast source of water. Well, regardless of the reason, I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend some time again with the ocean. Once again, I feel like I have touched a small bit of eternity. Thank you God!
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