Friday, June 18, 2010

Prayers for the Gulf

I'm posting an email from Mike Davis about the joining together in prayer on Sunday, June 20th to pray for the Gulf:

What started out as an invitation from Rev. Patricia Reiter to Unity churches around the Gulf of Mexico to come together in blessing the Gulf has gone national. It has grown into " . . . a joining of people from all walks of life to pray in their own special way. We will have over 10,000 people joining us at that hour from around the country," writes Rev. Reiter.
Please pass this email along and help us reach as many people as possible - the Gulf needs us, as we need it!

WHEN: Sunday, June 20, 2010, 3:00 p.m. Eastern time
WHERE: Along the Gulf of Mexico, or wherever you are
WHO: Everyone!
WHY: "We can channel our frustration at the pollution of the Gulf into a positive force for good."
A special song has been written for this event: "O Holy Ocean, A Song For the Gulf." One comment we have received on the song sums up what we are trying to accomplish on June 20th: "Bravo! I am moved by your tribute and prayer for our ocean!!! I've been so grieved and saddened by the images coming out of this tragedy. Your beautiful song points me in the right direction."

Please share this video of the song:
Thank you for all you can do!

Warmest regards -
Mike and Paula Davis / 407-748-7865 / 941-484-5342

1 comment:

~~Just Me in T~~ said...

Folks currently are questioning if God is so good, then why did He cause, or why did He allow the Deepwater Disaster to occur, killing 11 innocent men, and putting the entire eco system of the Gulf of Mexico into a catastrophic decline. And it’s not only the ecosystem but the future health and livelihoods of the Gulf’s inhabitants and possibly those of the entire southern parts of the USA. – Not to mention innocent people elsewhere, which the deadly toxins might affect, as is being postulated currently.