Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Crisis is a Birth

Does it feel to you like our nation is experiencing a crisis? Our economy is at its worst. Millions of people are unemployed. Our government is bickering across the aisle and stuck in how to solve our country’s economic problems, and many other issues as well.

What if what appears to be a crisis happening around us and to us is actually just labor pains? What if we are in the process of birthing something new and exciting? Well, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Ian Xel Lungold believe that is exactly what is happening, and I’m inclined to agree with them.

I looked back over my posts and couldn’t believe that I hadn’t written about this already. I was so jazzed by the Mayan Calendar film that Xel Lungold did that I watched it a number of times, showed it to a group of folks at church and sent copies to my friends…and yet I didn’t talk about it here.

Here’s the link to check it out on youtube:

Ian says that the Mayan calendar is about the evolution of consciousness. Everything that has happened since the beginning of time…even before the Big Bang has been a result of consciousness evolving, and consciousness has a plan. As many of you know the Mayan calendar ends soon. Ian says the calendar ending doesn’t signify the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of an entirely new level of consciousness where humanity becomes conscious co-creators.

Barbara Marx Hubbard who is a futurist, an author and a visionary believes that humanity is on the verge of evolving into an entirely new species that she calls a Universal Human.

What I’ve discovered in my own life and in researching the subject is that crisis (or what feels like crisis) always precedes transformation. Now I’ve never given birth, but I have been present at the birth of a baby and what I know is that it is a painful, sometimes difficult and messy process. So is life.

Imagine for a moment that you are a fetus about to be born. You’ve been safe and secure in the womb and all of a sudden there are contractions and you are being pushed through a tight and narrow passageway. It isn’t comfortable. If you could see…you would see a long tunnel with a light at the end. You would probably think (if you had the capacity to think) that you were dying. But you are not dying, you are about to begin a new and exciting adventure. The baby doesn’t resist the birth process…it surrenders and lets it happen. If it did resist, it would probably get stuck and die.

So, what if our country’s financial meltdown and political chaos are just the contractions of birth? Let us too not resist, but help it along by staying conscious and trusting the process. We are not in crisis; we are giving birth to a whole new level of being. I can’t wait to see what we become!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your post is so good! I have this same idea about our state of being right now and felt somwhat alone in my thoughts until I "stumbled" onto your blog :-)
I'll go check out the links you mentioned and read more of your blog soon.
Have a great hair day! Becci in Kansas